Monday, June 30, 2014

I've always felt pressured and stressed by the options and possibilities I could chose for my life. Since I have so many great things I can possibly chose from and work towards, I always felt settling for something less "great" would make me a disappointment or a failure. "Fishbowling" is the phrase I can associate these feelings to. It can be hard to feel important in a large tank filled with many fish, and it can be scary not knowing exactly which way you want to swim. I think if I just close my eyes, and imagine the world as a smaller place, just a little fish bowl, I might not get so anxious. Yes, there are millions of possibilities one can choice for themselves, but I think I might be better off focusing on what I like to do, and pretend that is my only option. That seems limiting but with my large imagination running a thousand miles an hour, sometimes it nice to have one singular focus, and chose just one thing to care about. At least just for a while.